Not a single sentence from it is unimportant, not a single sentence from it is to be discarded, ever. Not a single word of it was written without thought, open debate, and yes even prayer. The Constitution has been called by many, "the greatest document man has ever created." It was created and ratified by all thirteen states so man could ensure he would always be free. Free to express his Religious beliefs, it was not created to keep everyone away from religious beliefs. Freedom to make sure the established government would not intrude upon any mans privacy without just cause. Freedom to own and carry weapons for the express purpose to make sure the people who make up the government didn't take these rights away.
Today the Constitution is taught in our schools less often than a subject of tolerance that shouldn't even be taught by anyone other than ones parents or guardian. Tolerance is not a subject, it is simply freedom to hear ones thoughts from someone else's point of view either in the majority or minority. This is called freedom of speech which is protected by the Bill of Rights, so if the Bill of Rights was taught then tolerance would not have to be.
The Declaration of Independence is not even allowed to be hung in some schools because it contains certain words (in italics); "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." I am certain the phrase, "by their creator" is not the government establishing a religion. The Bill of Rights clearly states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof:" I have not found in any of the founding documents, "Freedom from Religion." I have found not only in the Declaration of Independence a freedom of Religion but everyone's right to worship and express ones worship privately and publicly. Today though expressing your faith in public is looked upon with down right indignation.
The founding fathers believed strongly in the 2nd Amendment. So much so that it is the Second Amendment out of twelve! In case you have not read the 2nd Amendment here it is.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
According to George Mason a delegate from Virginia who helped ratify the Constitution said this, "I ask sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials." The militia is not the army it is you and I it is we the people.
The Constitution makes sure we have the right to own guns for three main reasons according to our second President John Adams. "Arms in the hands of the citizens may be used at individual discretion for the defense of the country, the overthrow of tyranny or private self-defense."
Not only a founding father says guns should be owned to overthrow the tyranny of the government but our Second President. Can you imagine any President in today age saying everyone should have a weapon and you should use it at your discretion for the defense of the country and to overthrow the tyranny which this government has brought upon you? John Adams said it, believed it, and told people to do it. Thomas Jefferson even said, "When the people fear the government , there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty." This is why people in the government want to take away your guns. If they can take away your guns they have no fear of taking away any of your other rights. This is why the right to bear arms is the 2nd Amendment.
Americans have lost our freedom of privacy in the name of Protection. Ben Franklin stated, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." The fourth Amendment clearly states that ;
Today the government has the ability,(but not the right) to record your phone conversations, obtain private emails between friends, family, and co-workers. Not only do they have the ability, they are doing it. The government is not doing this just to a select few but to millions of law abiding citizens who have the right according to the fourth Amendment to be secure in their persons, house, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizures. So much for the fourth Amendment."The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
All is not lost. We can make a difference, we can force changes and take back America. I believe we can do it even without firing a shot. In order to do it we have to stand up for it. We have to make our voice be heard. We can not be silent. We have to make those in Government understand we are not going to let our rights, our Constitution be destroyed without a fight.
Recently a gentlemen by the name of Phil Robertson voiced his Constitutional right on his Religious beliefs. The television network, which also had a Constitutional right to fire him, decided to take him off the air. Those in charge of the network believed they could silence his religious beliefs, shame him into becoming silent. What those people didn't expect is half a million people sending in emails, phone calls to the network, and social media demanding to make a change and let Phil back on his show. AND IT WORKED. If half a million people can force a privately held network to change think what millions of us can do to force our government officials to restore our freedoms, rights, and liberties that were lined out in the Constitution.
This site is dedicated to posting news stories that show what our government, and the press is doing to take away our rights. Posting stories of this will not cause change. What will is when I also include emails, phone numbers, and contact information of those who are trying to take away our rights and we join together to have our voices heard.
I beg of you, our kids beg you, your future grand-kids beg you to stand up for Freedom, Liberty, and the Constitution. Stand Up for America. Contact these people who want to take away your rights and freedoms. Make your voice be heard. It is the only way to cause change. It can be done but we have to STAND UP 4 IT !